70 Acres pasture M/L just south of Muskogee, 15 Acres of that has been used for hay meadow(prairie mixed).Pipe fencing across the front, some barb wire fencing throughout. Pipe corral with working chutes in SE corner along with a partial arena that needs completed. Rural Water lines run on south side, East Central Electric Ecolink Cabling is also along the road. Arkansas River(Brewers Bend) is just down the road with ramp available to water, camping sites, just a few miles from Interstate 40. Whether it be a Homesite, pasture, recreational use, etc this property would work & its also on a paved road. Must have pre-qual letter or proof of funds.
Highway 64 South from Muskogee to 5 Ponies Convenience Store turn east, go approx. 2.7 miles to property on left side. (New Driveway)