The Cameron Farm consists of 76.00 acres primarily made of Class A Herrick and Class B Harrison soils with mature timber along an open creek and Brushy Fork providing recreational opportunities from the non-tillable acreage. The property is conveniently located along the Taylorville-Assumption Blacktop with nearby access to the Inland Port in Decatur via Route 52 or 48. Property division is possible for smaller tillable tracts or building site with timber. Open lease/crop income available for the 2025 crop.
Total Acres: 76.00
FSA Cropland: 61.65
Soil PI: 118.1
Farm #: 10836
Tract #: 7808
HEL status: NHEL, non-highly erodible
Wetland: Determinations not complete
Part of the W 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 25, Township 13 North, Range 1W of the 3rd P.M., May Township, Christian County, IL.
PIN: 08-14-25-100-001-00
23 pd 24 Tax: $1,898.44 ($24.98/ac)
From Assumption, travel west approximately 5 miles along Taylorville-Assumption blacktop (1200N turning into 1350N). Farm is on north side of the road. Watch for signs.
From Taylorville: On Route 48, turn east on Lincoln Trail Road for approximately 2 miles and then turn east on 1350N (Taylorville-Assumption blacktop), and travel east approximately 4 miles. Farm is on north side of the road, watch for signs.