WHAT A GETAWAY !! Situated in the hills above the Delaware Water Gap, this 37+ acre parcel offers a farmhouse dating back to 1820 (still lived in recently) ..... acres and acres of fields, protected meandering streams - The general make-up is about 10 acres of farmhouse/lawns and fields, 10 acres of protected bogs and streams home to wildlife such as beavers and frogs, etc., and an estimated 15 + acres of forest, gently sloping uphill at the back of your property. Hagen Road is a self-contained, yet public, drive off of Route 42, set far away from the traffic noise of the main road. Tuck in (off of Hagen Road) at your driveway to find an open old barn serving good parking for three or four cars in carport fashion. Get out of your car, turn around, and be at one with nature ! Meanwhile, if you park along Hagen Road at the home's mailbox, enter the farmhouse's front door. Don't let the needed renovations scare you - the house is solid, and kept quite original. Your imagination might have you accentuate the old, or you might bring your modern vision to certain aspects such as kitchen and baths. Original wood floors throughout, which can be saved and re-finished. Upstairs, the configuration could easily accommodate private baths for each of four upstairs bedrooms (currently 6 bedrooms and one common bath), and leave an office area at the back of the house with the opportunity to install a bank of windows overlooking your homestead and observing the wildlife while working from home (currently the common bath). Possibilities are endless. This authentic home should become your own vision. On purpose, design choices have been left to the new owner. A NJ transit train leaves from Penn Station, and arrives at Port Jervis in 2 hours, 13 minutes. A ride share to the house, and you have officially ARRIVED !! Car from NYC to the house will take just about two hours minding traffic. Additional Information: Amenities:Soaking Tub,HeatingFuel:Oil Above Ground,ParkingFeatures:3 Car Detached,