Legal Description:
S04, T13, R02, S 520' SE4 NW4, INC E2 SW4, EXC BEG 1414.5' SE COR SW4, TH N 22', W 482.5', N 104.5' W 306.5', S 332', E 306.5', N 205.6', E 482.8' TO POB, LESS R/W
FSA Info:
Farmland 88.7
DCP Cropland 88.7 Acres
Property Taxes: $1,220.00
Property Features:
Over 94% of total Acres Tillable
Annual Return on Investment on Every Acre
Full Half Mile of Highway 15 Blacktop Frontage
Excellent access with Highway 15 and 2400 Avenue
Perfect Conservation Condition
One Half Mile from Abilene KS Offering All Amenities
40% Crop Share in Growing Wheat Available to Buyer
Property Location: 1 half mile North of Abilene on Highway 15
Agents Notes:
An excellent 88 acre tract of Dickinson County property within walking distance of Abilene, Kansas. Just 1/2 mile north of 170 on Highway 15. A full 1/2 mile of blacktop frontage with outstanding access. Every acre of the property offering an annual return on investment make this the perfect tract for an established operation; or the right size for a beginning farmer! A perfect stand of winter wheat giving an immediate return with 40% landlords share. A perfect size and perfect location that rarely coincide make this a truly once in a lifetime opportunity!
LIST PRICE: $440,000
Pictures and property lines are illustrations only and not guaranteed to be actual property lines.