Located Next to 7693 Ellis Rd Ravenna, MI
APN# 61-16-023-200-0001-00,Muskegon County,MI
If you go to zillow and filter it down to only solds for Muskegon County. Vacant land. You'll see all the recent sales are between 5k to 10k an acre. I'm only asking 4k an acre. Get it whiles it hot.
9.75 acres Right next to a Blueberry farm. Its never been built on. The trees have never been cut. There are houses down the road so Electric is in the area. You can build a multitude of things. Lots of deer and wildlife. You are Secluded, yet within 20 minute drive to all the big cities.
Also this land, gets paid by a gas company for its mineral rights. The lease is about up and about to be renewed. Which usually means they renew the agreement with more money being paid out. Which is great.
Its Located in Sullivan Township. And here a link to their zoning Ordinances. This is Zoned R-A RES (Rural Residential Agricultural District)
Land use decisions within this District will support the continued use of land for agricultural purposes.
Design standards will promote preservation through low density development and the use of cluster, or
open space, development. It is the purpose of this District to promote the orderly development of Sullivan
Township, and to preserve the economic value of agricultural and open lands of the township. All uses
permitted within this District shall be conducted with due consideration for the potential effects which
may result from authorized agricultural uses, in accordance with Public Act 94 of 1995, the Michigan
Right to Farm Act.
Land and/or buildings in this District may be used for the following purposes:
A. Farms, including farm houses, related accessory buildings, and roadside stands of less than twohundred (200) square feet.
B. Single family dwellings.
C. Greenhouses, orchards, and nurseries. A residence may also be located on the same property.
D. Production of forest crops.
E. Campgrounds.
F. State licensed residential care family facilities.
G. Family day care facilities.
H. Cemeteries.
I. Public utility or service buildings, not requiring outside storage or materials.
J. Accessory buildings and uses, as regulated by Section 3.08
K. Home occupations, as regulated by Section 3.22
L. Building mounted solar energy collectors [Amended September 20, 2012]
M. On-site Service Wind Energy Conversion Systems [Amended September 20, 2012]
The following uses are permitted in the R-A District by obtaining approval from the Planning
Commission as a Special Land Use after all applicable standards of Chapter 13 are satisfied.
A. Fairgrounds, riding stables, gun clubs, and publicly-owned athletic grounds and parks, country
clubs/golf courses (excluding miniature golf) and other similar uses, including related uses, such
as snack bars, small retail shops selling goods directly related to the primary use, and other
similar uses integral to the main use.
B. Intensive livestock operations.
C. Bed and breakfast establishments.
D. Kennels and veterinary hospitals. A residence may
also be located on the same property.
E. Radio, television, or telephone transmission towers,
including towers in excess of one hundred (100) feet
in height for commercial wireless telecommunication
F. Schools and churches.
G. Commercial removal and processing of soil, sand,
gravel, or other minerals.
H. Agricultural processing facilities.
I. Roadside stands of two-hundred (200) square feet or
J. Planned Unit Developments (PUD).
K. Group day care facilities [Amended March 7, 2007]
L. Commercial Wind Energy Conversion Systems and WECS Testing Facilities associated with a
Commercial WECS. [Amended September 20, 2012]
M. Ground mounted solar energy collectors. [Amended September 20, 2012]
N. Agricultural labor camp. [Amended August 20, 2017]
Take I-96 E, 80th Ave and S Moorland Rd to Ellis Rd in Sullivan Township
Keep right to stay on Ellis Rd