1112 acre turn key Cattle Ranch with great hay base.792 deeded acres and 320 state lease. 6 fenced pastures 3 pivots 340 acres water rights 2 pivots in Alfalfa 1 pivot in Timothy grass hay. Nice 3 br 2 bath home with attatched garage 30x30 horse barn 40x60 ft insulated and heated shop with concrete floor. Nice set of pipe corrals with sorting pens and loading ramp. 2 100x120 ft hay barns capable of holding 700 tons each. Fenced and graveled stack yard. There is a great spot to easily add a feed lot with bunks. Pasture can support 75 pairs from May to November. Call 541-480-9484
From the town of Burns take hwy 205 south to the 15 mile marker then make a right hand turn on L5 lane go west to the base of the hill keep right till you see the entrance log entry with Mclin Farms sign on it.