These two acres in Klamath County, Oregon, lie on an open and flat plain and offer beautiful views all around. There also appears to be a salt flat or a dry lake spot near the middle of the property. This property is at the center of some of the finest countryside that Oregon has to offer. You will have access to beautiful mountain ranges, forests, and lakes, where you can go fishing, hunting, bird spotting, hiking, cave exploring, and biking. You will be surrounded on all sides by national forests and will be only 30 miles from Klamath Falls, 65 miles from Crater Lake National Park, and 30 Miles from Gerber Reservoir (where there are great fishing and bird-watching opportunities). The town of Bonanza is only 9 miles away, and the locals take pride in their community and lifestyle.
Make it your weekend getaway, or build your beautiful forever home for you and your family to enjoy for generations. With over 300 days of sunshine a year, this land is primed to give you fantastic adventures. Enjoy the clean air, gorgeous blue waters, and unbelievable views! You'll never look back!
Update: After these photos were taken, this area was affected by the recent fires. As there wasn't too much tree coverage, this property was not heavily impacted, but the photos do not accurately represent its current state. In light of this, we have discounted it by $700.
We are open to owner financing as well - here is what that would look like:
- Total Money Down: $599($349 downpayment + $250 closing cost)
- Monthly: $209/month for 96 months
See Info below!
- Subdivision: Klamath Falls Forest Estates Hwy 66 Plt 4
- State:Oregon
- County: Klamath
- Zip:97623
- Size: 2.02 Acres
- Parcel: R466873
- Legal Description: Lot 29, Block 122, Klamath Falls Forest Estates, Highway 66 unit, Plat No. 4
- Approximate Lat/Long Coordinates:
42.288545, -121.374539
42.288540, -121.375271
42.287355, -121.374540
42.287346, -121.375280
- Annual Taxes: Approximately 60/year
- Zoning: R2 - Rural Residential
--- Camping is allowed (Any 21 days within a 6 month period) - a posted permit is required for stays longer than 7 days
--- Residential Building is allowed.
--- Planning and Zoning can be reached on (541) 883-5121.
- HOA/POA: No. There is a Road Maintenance association dues are approximately $45/year
- Improvements: None
- Access: Dirt Road
- Water: Would be by well or holding tank
- Sewer: Would be by Septic
- Utilities: Would be by alternative, or there are poles in the neighborhood
**Note: Information presented on this page is deemed accurate, but is not guaranteed. Buyer is advised to do their own due diligence**