GILBERT SCHOOL DISTRICT! ACREAGE!! BRING YOUR HORSES, GUNS, AND FOUR WHEELERS!! In Gilbert Schools! Lot 10 is 26 acres and listed at $239,900. We have several tracts and much more land in this location available. There is no address as raw land doesn't get an address until you pull a building permit. No owner finance at this time. This is not suitable for subdividing. Maximum of 2 homes per site. Zoning is RD. Vegetation is planted pines about 10 years old with and hardwoods. Soil is sandy and excellent for septic tanks. Road is dirt, Buyer to install well and septic. These properties are excellent for homesteading, horses, chickens, or hunting!!! See photos for an image of proposed subdivide.
John Kent Spehl is a licensed real estate broker in the state of South Carolina and has ownership interest in this property.
To view the property, turn off of Calks Ferry Hwy 278 onto Kelly Day Rd. Proceed 1.5 miles and find the signs on your right. This is for lot 10.