This 20 acre private lot(Tax Lot 800) would be a great investment if you like a private driveway into your property. This parcel is only 6 miles from town and it's located close to Table Rock, the town mesa. This corner lot has road frontage on unnamed dirt road and is just off Twilight Road. Besides being very close to town, this parcel has panoramic mountain views including views of Table Rock & The Black Hills. If you were wanting to develop this property, power is in area and about 3/4th mile away. Sewer would be by septic and water by well. Cell phones work great in Christmas Valley, Oregon.
This would be a great parcel to use as a homesite or build a cabin on. This parcel also could be used as a weekend getaway. This property is super easy to find also.
There is also mountain views of Table Rock And Haynes Butte out your front door. Although there are a few farms and homes in the area, there is plenty of natural wilderness which attracts wildlife to your back door. Antelope, wild deer, jack rabbits and coyotes run all across the natural landscape of the Christmas Valley area.
Property Facts:
Power: 3/4th Of A Mile Away (New Owner Installs).
Phone: Cell Phones Work Great.
Water: By Well Or Holding Tank. ( New Owner Installs)
Sewer: By Septic ( New Owner Installs)
TV / Cable: Unknown
Gas: Unknown. Propane is usually used in rural areas.
Access: Dirt road frontage.
Zoning: A-2
Time Limit to build: None.
Topo: Level.
Elevation: Roughly 4,500 feet above sea level.
Property Taxes: About $95.00 per year and current.
Conveyance: Special Warranty Deed
GPS Coordinates:43.214239999999997,-120.751829999999998
Parcel size: 20 Acres +/-
Legal Description: Township 27 South, Range 17 East, Section 19, Lake County, Oregon. Tax Lot 800.
APN #: 3358
Cash Price $23,999.00 OR
Owner Financed Price: $26,999.00
Down Payment: $200.00
Monthly Payment: $224.16
From the corner of Christmas Valley Highway(CR 5-14) and Christmas Tree Lane( Christmas Valley Grocery Store), drive west on Christmas Valley Highway for 4 miles. Turn left onto Twilight Road and drive 1.4 miles. Turn left again on unnamed dirt road and drive 0.275 miles. The NW corner of lot 800 will be on your right. Frontage for lot 800 on unnamed dirt road runs from 0.275 to end of property at 0.425.