Pricing Details:
Price: $29,900
Owner Financed Price: $49,634
$7,446 Down & $606/Month
Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Property Details:
Parcel #: 7501330083
County: Macon, NC
Parcel Size: 3.69 acres
Location: ROAD 1636, FRANKLIN, NC, 28734
Legal Description: LOTS 29 30 & 31 MOUNTAIN MEADOWS PLAT 2
Property Dimensions: 131.82 feet x 674.39 feet x 256.56 feet x 863.93 feet
GPS Center Coordinates: 35.08187966401008, -83.33651884606736
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners) Approximate: N/a
35.08206375647854, -83.33744021368068
35.08210516672591, -83.3373917187656
35.08267378381431, -83.33611849397089
35.08259408309396, -83.33564543222204
35.082379175406395, -83.3357480448808
35.08086475460178, -83.33629620275909
35.081237398081974, -83.33705305831977
35.08133014277337, -83.33705305831977
35.08153206755957, -83.33691390254778
Elevation: 2575.1 feet
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Dirt
Zoning: Residential
Terrain: Level
Time limit: Completed within a year.
Tax Amount: 2023 Annual tax was $135.20 (Unpaid)
HOA: Yes, it is part of an HOA
Water: Would need to drill a well
Sewer: Would need to install a septic system
Power: Yes by Duke Energy +18007779898
All information provided is best available info provided by the owner. Buyer to verify all necessary information.