Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0095-2630-0040 - SOLD
Address: 0 Shelby Ave, Alford, FL, 32420
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1.21 acres
Legal Description: Lot 4 Blk 263 Compass Lake Hills Unit 6 Being In 25 3 N 12 Or 188 P 113 Or 1191 P 841
GPS Coordinates: 30.629479, -85.387700
Elevation: 309 feet
Access to Property: Dirt
Discounted CashPrice: $12,900
Owner Financed Price: $17,738
Payment Plan Available: $2,661 Down & $217/Month
Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0095-2560-0070
Address: 0 Hocking St, Alford, FL 32420
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1.17 acres
Legal Description: Lot 7 Blk 256 Compass Lake Hills Unit 6 Being In 19-3N-11 Or 261 P 304
GPS Coordinates: 165 feet x 303 feet x 165 feet x 302 feet
Elevation: 267 feet
Access to Property: Dirt
Discounted CashPrice: $13,000
Owner Financed Price: $17,875
Payment Plan Available: $2,682 Down & $218/Month
Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0095-2440-0010
Address: GENESSO AVE Alford
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1.26 acres
Legal Description: LOT 1 BLK 244 COMPASS LAKE HILLS UNIT 6 BEING IN 30-3N-11 OR 353 P 652
GPS Coordinates: 30.6348093, -85.3758792
Elevation: 296 feet
Access to Property: Dirt
Discounted CashPrice: $14,900
Owner Financed Price: $20,488
Payment Plan Available: $3,074 Down & $250/Month
Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0095-2390-0280
Address: 0 Trenton Ave, Alford, FL, 32420
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1.32 acres
Legal Description: Lot 28 Blk 239 Compass Lake Hills Unit 6 Being In 30 3 N 11 Or 530 P 295 340 or 570 P 103
GPS Coordinates: 30.636161, -85.372399
Elevation: 213.4 feet
Access to Property: Dirt
Discounted CashPrice: $13,900
Owner Financed Price: $19,113
Payment Plan Available: $2,867 Down & $234/Month
Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0095-2390-0350
Address: 0 Olivia Dr, Alford, FL 32420
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1.24 acres
Legal Description: LOT 35 BLK 239 COMPASS LAKE HILLS UNIT 6 BEING IN 30-3N-11 OR 268 P 411
GPS Coordinates: 30.633552998562344, -85.37807999804324
Elevation: 280.7 feet
Access to Property: Dirt
Discounted CashPrice: $17,900
Owner Financed Price: $19,869
Payment Plan Available: $2,981 Down & $299/Month
Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0086-1090-0110
Address: 0 Klamath St, Alford, FL, 32420
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1.06 acres
Legal Description: Lot 11 Blk 109 Compass Lake Hills Unit 4 Being In 33-3N-11 Or 468 P 573 Or 1594 P 775
GPS Coordinates: 165 feet x 301 feet x 165 feet x 300 feet
Elevation: 282 feet
Access to Property: Dirt, Corner Lot
Discounted CashPrice: $13,000
Owner Financed Price: $17,875
Payment Plan Available: $2,682 Down & $218/Month
Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0086-0840-0010
Address: 0 Apalachicola Ave, Alford, FL, 32420
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1.03 acre
Legal Description: Lot 1 Blk 84 Compass Lake Hills Unit 4 Being In 33 3 N 11 Or 321 P 915 Or 718 P 374 528
GPS Coordinates: 30.611204, -85.333528
Elevation: 280.7 feet
Access to Property: Dirt, Corner lot
Discounted CashPrice: $13,000
Owner Financed Price: $17,875
Payment Plan Available: $2,682 Down & $218/Month
Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0083-10AD-0090
Address: Jackson Rd Marianna
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1.25 acres
Legal Description: LOT 9 BLK AD COMPASS LAKE HILLS UNIT 2 BEING IN 3-2N-11 OR 305 P 868 OR 669 P 796 OR 1152 P 882,884 OR 1607 P 144 OR 1630 P 776 OR 1690 P 44,531
GPS Coordinates: 30.6046553, -85.3190505
Elevation: 295 feet
Access to Property: Dirt
Discounted CashPrice: $13,000
Owner Financed Price: $17,875
Payment Plan Available: $2,682 Down & $218/Month
Parcel Number: 02-2N-11-0084-0470-0070
Address: 0 Tipaquan St, Marianna, FL, 32448
County: Jackson
Parcel Size: 1 acre
Legal Description: Lot 7 Blk 47 Compass Lake Hills Unit 3 Being In 35 3 N 11 Or 341 P 764 Or 1459 P 88
GPS Coordinates: 30.623959, -85.303885
Elevation: 233.0 feet
Access to Property: Dirt
Discounted CashPrice: $13,000
Owner Financed Price: $17,875
Payment Plan Available: $2,682 Down & $218/Month
Zoning: Compass Lake in the Hills Planning Ordinance. If you are looking to build in the future, please checkJackson County Residential & Commercial Development Guidebook
Terrain: Flat
HOA: Yes, but it is voluntary. Please contact Compass Lake in the Hills POA, Inc. (850) 579-4303
Water: Need to dig a well. Please contact Jackson County Environmental Health (850) 482-9227
Sewer: Need to install a septic. Please contact Jackson County Environmental Health (850) 482-9227
Power: Yes, either by Florida Public Utilities (850) 526-6800 or Florida Power & Light (850) 415-4201
All information provided is best available info provided by the owner. Buyer to verify all necessary information.