Owner Financing Available - This 0.14 acre lot is located in Harleton, Texas and the address is Cedar Court, Harleton, TX 75651.
Harleton is located 153 miles or just over a 2 hour drive East of Dallas, Texas, just South of The Lake O' The Pines. Lake O' the Pines includes about 18,700 acres of water and 9,000 acres of land located in the piney woods of Northeast Texas. Recreation opportunities are numerous with camping, boating, fishing, hunting, watchable wildlife, and bird watching, including wintering bald eagles.
Features: Close to Lake Deerwood
Only $200 Down and $200/month for 24 months = $5000 or Discounted Cash Price: $4000
APN: R000018852
Address: Cedar Court, Harleton, TX 75651
County: Harrison
State: Texas
Size: 0.14 Acre
Dimensions: 60' x 100'
Legal: Acres: 0.138, Lot: 13, Blk: A, Subd: LAKE DEERWOOD UB, V
Terrain: Flat
Access: Dirt Road
Power: Power in the Area (Power Company: Upsher Rural Electric out of Gilmer, TX: contact no. 903-843-2536)
Water: Water in the Area (Harleton Water Supply: contact no: 903-777-3740) (Well: KWS Keithville Water Service: 318-900-9355) (Water Haul: G & A Products: 903-234-0616)
Sewer: Sewer or Septic in the Area (Septic: Septic Technologies, Inc.: 623 932-3464)
Taxes per Year: $21
HOA Fees per Year: $60
GPS Coordinates (center) at the road: 32.712290, -94.563906
--- Northwest Corner: 32.712372, -94.564068
--- Northeast Corner: 32.712372, -94.563743
--- Southwest Corner: 32.712206, -94.564068
--- Southeast Corner: 32.712208, -94.563743
Elevation: 276
Zoning: TX-Harrison-Harleton-Lake-Deerwod-Residential-Unit-A
Time Limit to Build: No time limit to build
Site Built Homes Allowed: Allowed 600 min sqft
Modular Homes Allowed: Allowed 600 min sqft must have solid foundation
Manufactured Homes Allowed: Allowed 600 min sqft must have solid foundation
Mobile Homes Allowed: Allowed 600 min sqft must have solid foundation
Tiny Homes Friendly: Allowed 600 min sqft
Full-Time RV Living Allowed: Not Allowed
RV on the Property While I build: Allowed needs permit from the POA
Camping in a RV Allowed: Allowed Max 30 days
From 17439 TX-154
Harleton, TX 75651, USA
1.Head west on TX-154 W
2.Turn right onto Farm to Market 450 N
3.Turn right onto FM1968
4.Turn right onto Baker
5.Turn left onto Liberty Rd
6.Slight right to stay on Liberty Rd
7.Turn right onto Ceder Ct
8.Lot is on the right