A small tract farm located in Catahoula Parish near Tew Lake. This tract offers a nice farm that could be developed for residential or a small farm homestead. The tract has frontage on Routon Road, and lies between Harrisonburg and Jonesville. Electrical and rural water connections are nearby. The site is located near Tew Lake and has frontage on a bayou that connects to the lake that may provide some bank fishing opportunities The farm has been leased for 2025 to a local farmer for a cash payment. The farm also joins other farm and recreation hunting tracts. Sold subject to existing ag lease ($100/ac) and small surface leases for Oil & Gas
Mike Cater
Legal Description:see file for details
Access:Routon Road
Adj. Property Types:Cropland, Recreational
Soil Types:Hebert silt loam 60%, Hebert silty clay loam 24%, Perry silty clay loam 15$
Timber Stand:Scattered Hardwood
Hunting:Deer & Small Game
Minerals: Reserved
Flood Tendencies: Portions located in flood zone