Located on Madrid Ave, Moriarty, NM 87035
Discounted Cash Price: $7,988
No-credit check seller financing options for you as low as $230/month!
$0 down - 54 mo at $296
$799 down - 42 mo at $284
$2,796 down - 30 mo at $230
Click our listing website link to view more info and get started!
About this Property:
This property includes TWO one-acre parcels, giving you double the land to work with! This subdivision is located just 47 minutes outside Albuquerque, NM, making this a perfect recreation destination to park an RV and enjoy the weekend or get started with a low cost solution for a new build. Moriarty is just down the road for all the essentials. There is no HOA present, meaning you will be dealing with minimal restrictions on what you can do with your land. Live a semi-rural life the way you want to. Access to electricity will be a cinch. Low-cost water hauling is also available in this area if you dont have the resources to put down on a well. It also features direct access from both sides on a well-maintained road.
Property Information:
APN: R014529/R015063
Property Size: 2 acres
Acres Legal Description: RANCHOS ENCANTADOS Lot: 14 Block: 8 Tract: 1 LOT 14
County: Torrance, NM
GPS Coordinates accurate within a few yards. (Official survey often required before building)
NW: 345536.04N, 106 140.41W
NE: 345536.04N, 106 142.15W
SE: 345533.01N, 106 140.42W
SW: 345533.02N, 106 142.15W
Zoning: R
Access: Dirt road
Road Frontage: Madrid Ave
Terrain Type: Level
Elevation: 6162ft
Trees and Foliage: Small bushes
Improvements: None
Is this Property in an HOA? No
Deed Restrictions: No
Conveyance: Special Warranty Deed
Yearly Taxes: $30
Closing / Doc Fees: $300
Utilities/ Zoning:
Is Electricity to the local grid available? Yes- contact Central New Mexico Electrical Cooperative at +15058324483
Are city water pipes available? No- Build a well or haul water.
Are city sewage pipes available? Septic is generally used in this area.
Zoning: Single Family Residential (one residential structure per lot)
Send us a message and we can help answer any specific questions on this property, about owning land in the area, or about our fast and secure closing process!