Not often seen,a large wooded recreational property w/in the city limits.A portion of the property lies outside of the city limits.This property over looks FPHS and a view of the valley can be seen from the higher elevations.Good internal road system with visible old logging roads that could be reclaimed to allow for greater utilization within the property.A spring is located near the bottom of the property next to a unique hole in the limestone formations that tunnel around to another opening. Large,high quality timber provide a blanketing canopy with a mix of thicker understory.Build on your acreage.City water and power are at the road.
Place to offload a SxS on Martin Ave NE at road frontage to property. Gate access at end of Oakview Ln NE. Utility Easement crosses property which provides for a great road from bottom to top. No hunting allowed within the city limits, per FPPD. Gas is at the road. Sewer is close. Property is zoned Rural Farm, allowing for on site stick built house with min of 600 sqft.
Gault Ave N to 45th Street N. R on Godfrey Ave. Immediate L on 45th Street N. L on Martin Ave. Property will be ahead on the Right. Gate access at end of Oakview Ln NE. Unknown if gate is locked or not at this time. Need SxS to view property.