3/2 Home on 71.24 Acres +/- in Western Edwards County
Turn Key Hunting Ranch with 3/2 cabin. You will need to bring your own gun. Utilities in place are electric, phone service & rain water catchment. 3 stands and 4 feeders will convey. Located in Apache Ridge about 24 miles South of Rocksprings with easy access 5 miles off 377 on CR 450 & SD 45100. Rolling terrain with just enough elevations to have a fantastic view. Mature oaks in the bottom, ample native brush cover with plenty of cover through out. Game seen in the area include Axis, Whitetail, Aoudad, Turkey and Hogs. Quiet & remote a perfect place to make a home or hunt.
19 miles S. Of the Junction of Hwy 55 and FM 377 on Co Rd 450. Travel 3 miles and turn North of SD 45100. Property will start about two miles down on the Lt side. There is a locked gate about a mile before the property. Must contact the office to view.