Finance this gorgeous parcel for $ 99 Down And $ 99.57 A Month on Stockman Drive in Modoc County. This parcel has a mix of pines and meadowy areas so it would make a great place to se tup camp without having to cut down trees. There is a really nice road in front of the property, which is taken care of by California PInes in the summer months. Experience all that the Modoc has to offer with access to the 2,000,000 Acre Modoc National Forest Not far from this property.
State: California
County: Modoc
Legal: LOT 21, BLOCK 70, UNIT 5
Access: Summer Road Maintenance By California Pines POA
California Pines POA: 105.00/Year Includes Campgrounds, Pool, Shower, Ponds, Discounts At Lodge/Restaurant, Events ETC. Inquire to see a short video about this area.
Fire Protection: California Pines
Size: 0.92 Acre (40,075 Sq. Ft.)
Zoning: Residential
Camping: Recreational Camping Is Allowed
Power: Off Grid, Recommend Solar + Batteries
Water: Well Required For Construction of a Residential Dwelling
Sewer: Septic Required For Construction of a Residential Dwelling
Ca Pines Documents Located In Attachments
Purchase Options:
5950 Cash OR
Landed Ground Financing: $ 99 Down And $ 99.57 A Month For 74 Months At 7.7% Interest With No Credit Check
You Can Read More About Our Financing On the Landed Ground website. Click View Property website below the video below to see the listing on our site.
Attn: IF Visiting Cal Pines for the first time, Please Start From the Centerville Road Entrance, And Do Not Take Alternative Routes To Visit the Hill Units. Always Call US Before Driving To Properties to check conditions.