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Connecticut New Listings
New Listings
1.8 acres in Fairfield County, CT
2.47 acres in Fairfield County, CT
1 acre in Fairfield County, CT
1.88 acres in Fairfield County, CT
2.75 acres in Litchfield County, CT
2.66 acres in Litchfield County, CT
4.29 acres in Middlesex County, CT
1.38 acres in New Haven County, CT
1.28 acres in Fairfield County, CT
9.6 acres in Tolland County, CT
1.84 acres in Fairfield County, CT
2.17 acres in Fairfield County, CT
3.81 acres in Fairfield County, CT
1.84 acres in Fairfield County, CT
1.69 acres in New Haven County, CT
0.23 acres in Fairfield County, CT
32.3 acres in New Haven County, CT
2.93 acres in New London County, CT
4.9 acres in New London County, CT
1 acre in Fairfield County, CT
15.9 acres in Hartford County, CT
0.18 acres in , CT
2.65 acres in New Haven County, CT
1.75 acres in Hartford County, CT
2.96 acres in New Haven County, CT
2.96 acres in New Haven County, CT
1.36 acres in New Haven County, CT
1.53 acres in Litchfield County, CT
Decommissioned Volunteer Fire House in Connecticut
3.01 acres in New Haven County, CT
70 Acres on Route 216 & Frontage on I-95
2.32 Acres in PC Zone Near Walmart Super Center
52 acres in Litchfield County, CT
1.14 acres in Tolland County, CT
1 acre in New Haven County, CT
1.64 acres in New Haven County, CT
1.67 acres in New Haven County, CT
2.02 acres in Fairfield County, CT
1.46 acres in New Haven County, CT
1.14 acres in Fairfield County, CT
1.16 acres in Litchfield County, CT
1.14 acres in New London County, CT
3.5 acres in New London County, CT
2.2 acres in New Haven County, CT
1.4 acres in New Haven County, CT
In Town Location
1.42 acres in Tolland County, CT
1.3 acres in Fairfield County, CT
1.4 acres in Hartford County, CT
1 acre in Fairfield County, CT
1.42 acres in Fairfield County, CT
2.1 acres in Middlesex County, CT
1.23 acres in Fairfield County, CT
3.38 acres in Windham County, CT
1.97 acres in Windham County, CT
8 acres in Hartford County, CT
1.49 acres in New London County, CT
6.43 acres in Hartford County, CT
1.74 acres in New London County, CT
15.2 acres in New London County, CT
0.18 acres in New Haven County, CT
11.1 acres in New London County, CT
3 acres in New London County, CT
Stunning 300 Degree Views
1.01 acres in Fairfield County, CT
1.14 acres in New London County, CT
1.08 acres in New London County, CT
15.8 acres in Tolland County, CT
101 acres in New London County, CT
2.33 acres in New London County, CT
0.07 acres in New London County, CT
2.03 acres in Fairfield County, CT
1.05 acres in Litchfield County, CT
3.34 acres in Litchfield County, CT
2.01 acres in Fairfield County, CT
0.09 acres in New Haven County, CT
29.3 acres in Hartford County, CT
3.74 acres in Litchfield County, CT
20.3 acres in New London County, CT
1.15 acres in Litchfield County, CT
0.28 acres in New London County, CT
4.5 acres in Windham County, CT
1.66 acres in Tolland County, CT
26.6 acres in New London County, CT
1.63 acres in New London County, CT
17.6 acres in New London County, CT
0.08 acres in New London County, CT
0.54 acres in Fairfield County, CT
49.6 acres in Tolland County, CT
13.1 acres in Litchfield County, CT
30.9 acres in Tolland County, CT
5.36 acres in Tolland County, CT
22.4 acres in Tolland County, CT
0.06 acres in Hartford County, CT
0.29 acres in Hartford County, CT
0.4 acres in Hartford County, CT
3.25 acres in Hartford County, CT
1 acre in Hartford County, CT
8.5 Acres of residential land in Clinton
(Route 1.) Great visibility on level and open lot