Description: 34.245 acres of commercial development land.
Land Use: Ideal for Regional Commercial, Light Industrial or RV/Mobile Home Park.
Location: Locally between Temple and Rogers on US-190/TX-36. Regionally located between Temple & Houston. In the Path of SE Temple Growth.
Frontage/Access: 835' of Frontage Along US-190. Situated at a turnaround providing easy access East or West. Easy Access to FM 93, FM 436, HK Dodgen Loop 363, IH-35 & IH-14.
Zoning: None - Outside City Limits.
Utilities: East Bell WSC line & 2 meters on-site; overhead electric along the front of the property.
Topography: Gently Rolling to flat.
Hydrology: Some flood zone along water ways.
Comments: Will Consider Subdividing. Call to discuss.
Locally between Temple and Rogers on US-190/TX-36. Regionally located between Temple & Houston. In the Path of SE Temple Growth.