$3,184,900636.98 Acres
For Sale
For Sale
$3,184,900636.98 Acres
For Sale

Fort Stockton, TX 79735 - Pecos County

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Property ID 15784692

Pecos County Farmland & Minerals

Pecos County Farmland & Minerals

State: Texas

Region: Transpecos

County: Pecos

Property Type: Irrigated Farmland

Acres: 636.98

Taxes: $282.55 (2022 estimate)

Location: 7 miles SW of Ft. Stockton

This farmland is nearly level and has a very productive silty clay loam soil as shown on the attached soil map. It has not been farmed nor had pesticides applied for many years and should readily qualify for an organic designation if a buyer so desired. This property has excellent irrigation potential and is located above the Edwards Trinity Aquifer. There are a number of wells with 16 steel casing drilled to 320 to 360 ft. These wells are registered with Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District and their designated names and locations are shown on the attached map. In 2020, two of these wells (#1 & #5) were test pumped for 48 hours each. The attached reports show only 1 and 2 drawdowns at a flow rate of approximately 1100 pm. The well service performing these tests state the wells could each easily produce 2500 gpm. Water samples were sent for quality analyses and are shown in the attached reports. Totals dissolved solids were in the 2150 ppm range with approximately 47% of these being sulfate. There are excellent alfalfa farms and pecan orchards in the immediate vicinity of this property. Improvements include a 45x140 metal building, a set of cattle pens, a bunk house and a domestic well near the center of the property as well as perimeter fencing and some cross fencing. Mesquite and other brush were cleared from the west half of the property in 2012 but have grown back. Mineral Interest. The property owner does not own any of the minerals rights; however, it appears that 427.79 acres are State Mineral Classified. The State of Texas reserved minerals on land it sold from 1895 to 1931. These properties are referred to as mineral classified and the surface owner acts as the agent for the State of Texas in negotiating and executing oil and gas leases for these properties. The State surrenders to the surface owner one half (1/2) of any bonus, rental and royalty as compensation for acting as its agent and in lieu of surface damages. This interest cannot be retained when a property is sold which explains the 99-year leases which are sometimes found for mineral classified properties. Included with the property at no additional cost is an undivided 3/8 interest in 29.17 acres that joins the land on its northwest side and is apparently the remainder of a 99-year lease executed in 1937.

The property fronts FM 2037 and is approximately 3 miles south of Interstate 10 just west/southwest of Fort Stockton, Texas.


7 miles SW of Ft. Stockton


Property Website
Contact Seller
Scott Land Company, LLC

Dimmitt, TX

(432) 287-9986
Listing provided by
Ben G. Scott
Scott Land Company, LLC(432) 287-9986
Listing last updated: November 2, 2022 at 7:27 AM
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Ben G. Scott

Scott Land Company, LLC
(432) 287-9986

Ben G. Scott

Ben G. Scott

Scott Land Company, LLC