Farm For Sale 94.04 Ac. Page Co. IA
Location: Approx. 7 miles South of Red Oak on the west side of Hwy 48 & north side of 110th St.
Description: Terraced upland row crop farm with nice machine shed on Hwy 48.
Legal Description: S1/2SE1/4 & E1/2SE1/4SW1/4 all in Section 5, Township 70 North, Range 38 West of the 5th P.M. all in Fremont Township, Page County Iowa containing 94.04 taxable acres m/l.
List Price: $7,000 per acre x 94.04 taxable acres = $658,280.
Cropland: 85.06 FSA Cropland Acres. CSR2: 70.2 CSR2 Per Surety Mapping Software.
Soils: Soil Types Include Exira, Colo-Judson, Marshall, Shelby, Adair, Ladoga & Shelby-Adair.
FSA Info: Farm #2726 Tract #2504. Corn Base Acres = 67.80 & Corn PLC Yield = 102
Bean Base Acres = .71 & Bean PLC Yield = 30.
2020-21 Taxes: $2,404 per year.
CRP Contract: 16.55 acres x $221.64/Ac. or $3,668/year. Contract expires on 9/30/26.
Improvements: Harlan machine Shed 50 x 54 built in 1998. Building has electric service & dirt floor.
Terms: Cash. 10% earnest deposit due upon signing a purchase agreement.
Possession: At closing subject to 2021 lease which expires on February 28, 2022. Seller Retains 100% of 2021 Cash Rent.
Closing: 30 days after acceptance of offer.
Seller: Karen Swanger