Owners willing to sell blocks. See attachments. Bring all offers.
SWID lands only with water bank.
SWID and STWSD lands with almonds and open land.
STWSD lands with water bank and two solar arrays.
The property consists of approximately 820 acres of almonds and 314 of open land
Two solar arrays:
Two subsurface water banking systems:
Water bank 1 is located in the Semitropic WSD.
Water bank 2 is located in the Shafter-Wasco ID.
Currently, 381-acre feet are banked.
The farm also received carbon credit checks quarterly averaging $12,000. Information provided upon request.
All offers are seriously considered.
The owners will consider breaking the ranch up and selling separately.
The three scenarios are:
SWID property only.
SWID and Semitropic WSD lands smaller blocks together.
All acreage.
See Aerials.
Please contact agent.